If you are looking for the perfect way to show your exclusive masterpiece, this chronicle board is the right choice. As desired by many this handmade board is the appropriate addition for the World's largest football book. No other than Udo Horsmann, World cup winner with the FC Bayern in 1976, designed and manufactured this piece.
It's measurements are 1,49 m x 0,7 m x 0,7 m. The hinges are made of brass – accordingly to the chronicle.
The board is available in three types of wood:
- Nut (995 Euro)
- Oak (945 Euro)
Prizes plus packing and shipping.
Every board will be manufactured in Udo Horsmann's carpenter workshop. The German Champion of 1980 and 1981, Cup Winner of 1982 and European Cup winner of 1976 will brand each item with his signature.
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